Argentina is a very large country but if you look at its size, most people are concentrated in the Eastern part of the country mostly in the city of Buenos Aires and the Greater Buenos Aires in the province of Buenos Aires (I know too much about Buenos Aires confuses me).

Argentina is large! In order to give an idea of how large the country is, it is 33 plus times bigger than Switzerland and over 11 times larger than the UK. yet, it is only over 30% smaller than the USA but with such a small population that makes it feel way much larger.

Argentina is divided politically into 23 provinces plus 1 Federal District which is the city of Buenos Aires (called BA or CABA between other names….)


There are many places to visit in the province of Buenos Aires but I will highlight some of the most popular ones.

The Province of Buenos Aires holds the distinction of being the most populous province in Argentina, boasting a staggering number of over 17.7 million registered inhabitants as of 2024. Additionally, it is worth noting that there exists a significant population of unregistered individuals, primarily comprising immigrants from various Latin American nations.

MAR DEL PLATA: Buenos Aires Province

Mar del Plata is the second-largest city in the province of Buenos Aires, with around 800.000 permanent inhabitants in 2021. However, during the Summer season Mar del Plata receives over 4.3 million visitors making it a key tourist place in the country.

Mar del Plata is a resort city on the Atlantic coast that has been popular for many many years. It was built during the “grand times” of Argentina when the country was really prosperous in the late 1800s with upper-class tourists and a beautiful European style of architecture barely standing today.

Before the arrival of the Spaniards, Mar del Plata was a land that belonged to the Indigenous Tehuelches and later Mapuches Indians. These indigenous groups lived a nomadic lifestyle, deeply connected to the land. However, when the Spanish colonizers arrived, they brought devastation to the area. They destroyed the natural habitat and caused the loss of many lives, leaving a tragic mark on the history of the original inhabitants, just like in many other places where colonizers set foot.

Also called “the pearl of the Atlantic,” the highlight of Mar del Plata is the beach. However, it is very very crowded during the Argentinian summertime (Dec-March), particularly in January and February months.

it is a very popular place for people who go from other provinces in the country and want to experience the sea. Therefore a great place to meet folks from other provinces who are delightful!

Where to go!

The Port of course!!


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