About dr. P

My goal is to broaden our horizons by showcasing some non traditional destinations while learning about different people and their customs. I encourage education through service, volunteerism and some help needed along the way. Acknowledging and overcoming cultural differences may not be an easy feat, but it brings immense benefits and rewards.

Learning to understand others have a positive impact in people’s lives, while acknowledging their right to exist in a global world. Join me in my travels, learn not to fear differences, support my page while creating a major chain of action along the way! Let’s unplug the potential of meaningful travel around the world.

"Embrace the power of travel learning to create the world we love" Dr.P

Join me in helping! join me with events! Support my page, when you dare not only support DrP’s work you are supporting a major chain of action along the way!


Advice for travelers!

The what, when, where how, why, etc of traveling here!


Volunteer and acts of Kindness

See the many amazing actions that are taken around the world to make it better.



Spirituality is part of people’s cultures, identity and practices


Do you want to know more about World Education?

Education and the world, all about it. Free resources!