We all travel to different destinations and see animals suffering and in need. We can all do something, and some ideas are on my post on “Helping animals when traveling abroad.”
This is just a snapshot of my story while living in Egypt. A great friend and video editor created this video for me. I just wanted to share the love I receive and that love never leaves me astray when traveling….

We ALWAYS have a chance to make a difference, but it has to be sustainable over time. When we travel, we are not staying in the location forever. The major responsibility lies on our part to ensure that the project is sustainable, and we are not merely creating a temporary bubble of comfort. If you have ever worked with animals, you know that they suffer losses just as much as we do along the way.
I walk and explore a lot during my travels, and of course, I come across animals that need help. I am passionate about all animals and always manage to find them, to say the least! I used to wonder how stray animals survive during the scorching hot summer months in the desert. I started giving them water and soon realized that they were incredibly thirsty! They even tried to drink seawater. It is extremely hot, to the point where animals enter the sea to cool off. Animals are incredibly smart and have a remarkable ability to try to survive under the most difficult circumstances that we humans put them in.

I decided to create my own water service and started giving animals water and some TLC every early morning at around 5:30 am. You always wake up early to stay away from the scorching sun around noon time.
You can watch the video below!
I started my work in the mornings, and that way I met my friend who created this video. Together, we established a morning and evening water service for the dogs. The water service soon turned into a time for me to cuddle with the dogs, and more and more dogs started coming over. We also enlisted the help of another person to assist us in maintaining the water rounds during the hot summer months. During the winter months, we can reduce the frequency of the water service for the dogs (I simply enjoy referring to it as the “water service” for the dogs).

I just hope I can be a sort of venue for animal care around the world!!!