Most people who know me understand how much I love older individuals and appreciate their wisdom and life experiences. I enjoy reading about their stories, discoveries, and insights.

What you will read might surprise you, or not, but it is intended to break those wrong stereotypes that problematize the fact of life that we all age if we are lucky enough to live full lives.
Research tells us that there is a growing number of people over 65 in the world, and this number is rising rapidly. Moreover, according to the World Population Prospects in 2019, one in six people are over the age of 65. In 2018, for the first time in history, persons aged 65 or above outnumbered children under five years of age globally. The number of persons aged 80 years or over is projected to triple, from 143 million in 2019 to 426 million in 2050. [Source:]
This fantastic portion of society is becoming more active and involved in all activities of life, even when they need assistance. They also travel a lot!
this is why older folks SHOULD travel…
- Money – because now you have the funds you probably did not have in the past to spend on your travel. How many times did you stay at a campground freezing in the winter/sweating in the summer because money was low? now you don’t have to suffer anymore!!
- Not a care in the world – messy hair? not so flattering swimsuit? your language skills are not that good? Soooo WHAT???!!

- Fashionable experiences – OR do you want to look trendy? BE HIP? do you want to wear the latest fashion? you go for it!

- Happiness! – Research tells us that older folks tend to be happier. They are happy because they appreciate the moment more than many of us. Older people are also happy when they do something useful for others and when they have new roles.

- Joy of being alive! – need I say more? there is such VIBRANCY OF BEING ALIVE. Living must fuel a desire which is the energy that fuels the cycle of living. Regardless of limitations, we can manage to travel even if we can only look at pictures on a screen and explore, learn and live!

- Older adults need less sleep! – Yep! All from research… Even if you stay up doing research on where to go next, getting a better price, being in touch with “loved ones” back home, etc., we can do it. We are priceless!

- Know well how to enjoy without worries – Do you want to play cards?

- Manage emotions a bit better – Don’t sweat the small stuff! Studies have shown that, on average, people are able to let go of something negative without reacting so strongly. Is your tour running a bit late? Are they not showing up? Just ask what is going on, like this man here (my dad).

- Knowledgeable inner experience – the gift of being able to stay in the moment without having to go and catch up with the latest site and or to rush anywhere. Traveling older adults are involved with the surroundings and engaged with the social environment that exudes inner satisfaction. Uplifting!
- Wonderful sense of adventure-Yep, older folks are taking up more adventurous travel when their body permits. And if their body does not allow them to dive off a cliff, older adults can still enjoy watching somebody else doing it. 🙂

- Find the innocence of JOY all over! the experience of traveling is a gift! older folks KNOW THE GIFT OF TIME.