LABELING “SENIOR” TRAVELERS: Adult, Experiential, and Super Senior

Labeling adult travelers is something that has been on my mind for over a decade. The reason for creating a “senior” section on my site is that I absolutely love older adults, and I will work on creating more opportunities for them and “take advantage of their wisdom!”

The travel lingo needs to accurately differentiate between different age groups within a pool of individuals who are mistakenly categorized as “seniors.” The reality is that this is an inaccurate generalization; it is like grouping a 15-year-old with a 25-year-old and a 35-year-old. This generalization does not truly make sense, as these are different stages in life. Additionally, there is a significant distinction between someone who is 65, 75, 85, and 95 years old. This is why I feel compelled to gently re-label (with flexibility) the poorly labeled senior category.

Labeling Categories:


Approximately 60 to 70 years old

This is the “average” age for retirement, one that many are bypassing by still working very actively today. Many of these baby boomers have been traveling a lot and have increased the variety and types of services offered by the industry. This is a significant portion of the travel industry as I type!

A large part of world travelers

There is a very large market of global travelers and nomads who are over 65, and this is a market that is growing rapidly. Folks are not only living longer, but they are also active longer and they want to live full lives while on the planet. Adult + travelers have more free time, and at times they have savings they want to use to travel. At this very moment, baby boomers are getting ready again to travel after the pandemic.


Approximately 70 years old to 80 years old

It’s clear that the elderly population is expanding at a non-stopping rate. The World Health Organization reports that the number of individuals over 60 years old surpasses the number of 5-year-old children. This trend is particularly evident in middle and low-income countries, where the number of older adults is on the rise, whereas in the past, it was only observed in affluent nations.


80 and up…to a 100 plus!!

If you travel when you are over 75, you are definitely honoring your life. You have been given good health after all, and you are super. You ARE a Super Senior!

I aim to be able to be in the super senior category someday!


Travelers of ∞ age!

When you travel by watching a traveler live online, it is like you are traveling together. I am doing this type of travel, so if you are interested in tagging along, make sure you sign in to the “event” section of the page. I usually do it once a year. Send an email for information to
All of the positives come with the fact that health is always an issue that might limit the ability to travel, particularly to a different country. Mobility issues and medical conditions can be a detriment to traveling. However, nowadays there are a lot of different kinds of accommodations and types of experiences available.

Chronological age does not define you any longer!!!

Enjoy life and travel while you can. When we become very dependent, we may become virtual travelers, but let’s never lose our love for travel!

What we do know, and we don’t want to ignore, is that with age we become more interdependent. We might be more dependent on traveling with a friend, with a cane, having meds, and being easy on our knees and/or our backs. Having to ask for help carrying my bag is still a biggie when I go up the stairs…but I am learning….to be interdependent!

Not everybody truly enjoys bungee jumping, diving, hiking, or going on a race for time. Let’s remember that not all travelers have the funds to engage in the many activities available, others have different reasons for traveling. Relaxation and introspection are different types of traveling abroad and those might be more appealing to a different phase in life.

So, What do you call travelers who are 40 to 60? just travelers no seniority here!

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