What is Ramadan???? Ramadan is a religious celebration based on the 12-month Muslim Lunar calendar. which changes every time, and starts with the new crescent moon in the ninth month of the year. It is a time to celebrate that the Prophet Mohammed received the first verse of the holy book of the Qu’ran by an angel sent by Allah (God in Islam).
Ramadan is a Muslim religious holy month, with the goal of introspection, charity, prayer, and reflection. Followers fast during the day (no food or water) and they eat at dawn. This time of discipline and sacrifice brings them closer to God. Because there is less movement and activity during the daytime due to fasting, there is quite a lively evening atmosphere. People eat together and celebrate with delicious foods in the evening.
The last day of Ramadan is Eid-al fitr which is a big celebration with the breaking of the fast. It is celebrated for three days with the sighting of the new moon on the 10th month. A very special time with people visiting each other, praying, dressing up with the best clothes, giving money to children, and eating delicious foods. Eid al-fitr is also known as the “Sugar Feast” for the number of sweets it is eaten during the time with delicious snacks and desserts.

Here are some sweets:
Dates-this is absolutely a must during the Ramadan season. Dates are usually eaten to break the fast and are a delicious snack! in some places, such as where I used to live with a Bedouin family; we used to shake up the palm date tree, shake the soil (sand) from the dates and eat them:-))

In the Muslim tradition, the Prophet Mohammed ate dates to break the fast. It is also a food that is mentioned the most in the Holy Qu’ran (the Muslim Holy Book) Dates are important all around the Middle East but in Oman, the cuisine is full of their absolutely delicious flavor!

One of the many benefits of dates is that they have magnesium, sugar, and potassium which help to fast by providing important nutrients and vitamins to the body.

Ramadan is celebrated around the world. Each country and region has some unique flair to the celebration. The place where I stayed in Sinai is predominantly Bedouin and these folks put their own flavor and magic. In a small place in Sinai, celebrations are still very important and all of the steps of the celebration are followed
Unique treats:
Kenafa (spelled in different ways; Kenaf, Kunafa, etc.) is an ancient and very well-known sweet pastry whose competing origins are Syrian, Palestinian, and other Middle Eastern nations competing for its name and fame. There are many variations all around the Middle East, but in truth, there are two main types of Kanef’ based on the same dough/paste. It is a pastry with noodle-like dough that is cooked and soaked in honey and sugar, later adding cheese and rose water and pistachios or other nuts. Sometimes this pastry is smushed and cooked in what looks like a cake. Delicious!!
Every day I passed by the bakery while living in the Middle East, and I would buy some from Ahmed. Here is how Ahmed and his co-workers spent long hours during the hot desert weather making Kanef’ for all to celebrate Ramadan!
What is Ramadan and what is Kanef?! (or Kenafa, it has a few names)
It is a great way to learn about a country and its people. Differences bring us closer than what we think, in particular when we are ready to share!
Ramadan Mubarak to my friends in the Middle East!