I always travel with a purpose. In my travel and volunteering life, I have often returned to locations once or several times. I return because I have to finish a volunteer project, a job, or because I have met special people such as friends.

Reasons why returning the same location is great!
1- You want to experience the location in a different season
Do you want to see the place in the winter? Summer? Dry season? All is good when you go back and still have the feeling of “aweness” (made-up word) in your soul.
2- The landscape is amazing
Sometimes we find a place that is really, really what we look for in life. It is one of those “it” places, as I call them. One of those places for me is the Sinai Peninsula. It is not only a place I love, but also one that I have made one of my homes. It is a very strange feeling because I am definitely not a creature of habit, but the connections and experiences I have had make it a go-to destination. I am sure I will take a break from going there at some point.

3- It is the land of your ancestors

Ancestry is one of the reasons Italy is often a returning location for me, a very personal reason. As a first-generation Argentine, I can say that family history, tracing my family background, has given me a sense of identity. I have visited Northern Italy a few times, and I keep discovering places that match the stories my grandparents used to tell me when I was little. Learning about my family’s history gives me an understanding of why I do the things I do and opens my horizons to new places and people. Nowadays, I see my cousins and feel the energy of my great-great-grandparents’ homes. I give my ancestors a huge thanks for all of what they have worked and their vision.
4- Returnees usually feel special
When we go back, we are never again complete strangers, and that is one of the reasons we feel special. Locals make us feel that way. We get a special smile, and sometimes we find folks who “baby” us. I get babied with food quite a bit, and that is a feeling VERY special!

5- When you travel on a mission, with a purpose, going back to a location is special

Of course, what I am going to be talking about is volunteering. Volunteering with animals, people, cleaning the beach, visiting sick folks – you name it. There is always time for volunteering when traveling if you want to schedule time for it. The plus of volunteering is learning much more about the host culture than a mere tourist.
6- You made real friendships
There is obviously an emotional attachment involved in this type of travel that is priceless!
I often return to see my dear friend and former neighbor and her husband in North Carolina where I lived for many years. Being around her and spending time together is just like I never left. That is when you know why you keep going back to the same place and you have a connection. Oh, and a glass of vino is always a must!

Sometimes you even miss the pets that kept you company!
7- You found your second family
Oh boy, you can even find a family away from home! I have a couple of families now, and I am so fortunate to have those in my life. I look forward to my routines when I arrive, and I am with these folks I love. My Egyptian family is below, and they are featured because they are the last ones I was with before this post. No jealousy, I love them all!

8- You lived in that place and you want to reconnect

Reconnecting, if you are lucky, might feel timeless! As I reconnected with a friend in Mexico after having lived there 25 years before, I felt like I had never left.
We do change with time, and changes are good because it means we are growing, and new beginnings are good for growth. At times, we grow in different ways that disconnect us. Other times, we are more in tune with that old friend, and we see that we still share some common interests. Reconnecting after a long time is a time for rediscovery and patience. Once you know which ground you are standing on, then you can share old memories and see which way you go. Hopefully, those memories will create a fresher bond.
The truth of the matter is that if you are reaching out to reconnect and the other person reaches back, then it is worth the try.
Nothing is fickle, you genuinely feel some depth and affection!!!
Reconnecting might feel like you never left!