What would you like to do? What are you passionate about? Here are some examples: Talking to people, being with customers, doing manual work, taking care of the elderly, spending time with animals, doing sports, painting, using the internet, etc
1- Provide 8 answers to the question above and then rank them in order of importance. You can make the list as short or as long as you wish.
2- Once you have put them in order of importance rank them according to the skills you already have
3- After assessing your proficiency levels, compile a record of additional proficiencies that you aspire to acquire. The desire to acquire new knowledge and skills will ignite your motivation to accomplish the tasks at hand.
4- Identify the organizations that require assistance and position them alongside the final two topmost boxes on the chart mentioned above.
5- After identifying several organizations, it is crucial to evaluate the amount of time you can dedicate to the task or work site. It is important to bear in mind that by committing to this responsibility, the organization will depend on your presence.
6-Once you have arranged and categorized all your findings, reach out to the respective organization or website to explore opportunities for lending your assistance. It is worth considering that the organization you approach may require additional skills, so it is advisable to assess whether your abilities are suitable.
Do be open to exploring a few organizations, don’t limit yourself to only one. You will be surprised by all the things organizations need, and you might be of superb help!
What is your motivation? Motivations help you not only reach your goals but also understand why you want to volunteer and achieve productivity.
There can be plenty of reasons why you volunteer, such as: to learn something, to feel that you can contribute something to a community, because someone suggested volunteering to you, to share your skills, to connect with members of the community, to use the experience on your resume, because you are bored, because you feel empathy for people in need, because you love to help animals, etc. Whatever the answer is, being honest provides insights about yourself and sets up more realistic expectations.
It is crucial to comprehend that volunteering or giving is not a transaction and it certainly does not imply reciprocity. It is a selfless act that you willingly undertake, and there may be instances where you have to go above and beyond what the organization or individuals can provide. After all, that is precisely why they require your assistance, isn’t it? Relying on a platform solely to enhance your resume may create expectations that you might not be able to fulfill. Instead, approach volunteering with the intention of giving your utmost and being receptive to learning opportunities.
Motivation lights a fire for a positive change:-)
#volunteer #service #giving