Street Art exists all around the world as a means of expression in murals, mosaics, and sometimes semi-permanent art around streets and public places. One of the characteristics of street art is that it encompasses different styles and it is free for people to enjoy.

Street art in Egypt started to get shape after the revolution of 2011 when millions of protesters went to the streets to demand President Mubarak’s resignation. After clashes between different forces, President Mubarak’s government was overthrown.
Street Art is mostly independently done, and rarely sponsored, It is a work of art that is created to be shared freely with the public. It is an excellent way to connect, give a voice, and learn about the host community.

Dahab Street Art

Along the coast in Dahab, Egypt

The power of Middle Eastern women depicted in this mural
Street art is a way to record the history of the neighborhood

A beautiful demonstration of history and identity through a representation of the HAMSA hand that is very popular in the Middle East. The Hamsa hand is and was used as a symbol of protection against the evil eye. The Hamsa hand also represents blessings.
Many folks, locals and foreigners, have shared places in Dahab to express themselves, the local culture, or a mix of both. Some artists are well known and others are anonymous.

The artists have been influenced by the rich local environment in Dahab such as the desert, mountains, sea, and Bedouin culture.
Artists who work on Street Art might make a living working with businesses, schools, and clubs doing murals. “Ladybug” worked on an electric power generating station. The goal of her work was to make the area more beautiful. The boxes looked unattractive and had a deteriorating exterior due to the weather and time. Here is the result of her work

One of the artists who settled in this small town has been doing street art and other places in Dahab for quite some time. Masha does murals also at businesses that capture people’s attention and appreciates an artistic expression and she also does beautiful murals in private homes.
Masha teaches art and how to do murals from beginners to experienced artists with different techniques. Here is a video where we can see some of her work

Artist Masha does workshops and hands-on practice mural paintings. If you are interested in participating and or working with her send us an email here