There is an enormous number of yoga studios and retreat opportunities all around the Yucatan Peninsula. The yoga venues range from very affordable to very ritzy luxury sites that offer yoga at the beach, around ruins, pyramids, with drums, you name it is there. Most yoga places do offer classes for beginners, so it is never a question of if you will find a place but rather if you really want to attend the classes offered.
All different styles of yoga are offered bikram, hatha, physio, or restorative (some places offer the name indistinctly), flow, yin, ashtanga, kundalini, and other yoga styles that might fit one’s own needs. Not all places offer many styles of yoga practice.
It all depends on how much time one has to devote to yoga practice and your budget.
It is a great way to focus much better on the experience and to work on a goal. A daily group provides a positive dynamic (in general) to push oneself to enhance the practice. It is usually pricey
It is a great opportunity to learn about the dynamics of a local group, challenge oneself to adapt and learn about the host culture. It requires flexibility and humor on the part of the student. On average is the best way to save funds
the advantage is that one can personalize goals and the schedule. It is a value price practice since the instructor has all eyes on the students at funds go a long way here
However, attending yoga local classes can increase learning about a host culture (my thing of course!), hanging out with locals and prices are much much better overall! Private classes can be pricey but provide the opportunity for
The important question here is: do you want a class in English or are you comfortable taking a class in Spanish? This is a question when we travel to any country where one does not speak the local language. In my experience, I have been able to take classes in a country where I did not speak the language of instruction by:
first, check with the yoga site to make sure the place takes pop-in students who don’t speak the language. It is important to check with the venue because it might take extra time to understand directions from the instructor and it could make the class fall behind a bit. Some yoga places might have legalities or rules where this is not possible due to liability issues.
Second Once given the get-go, introduce oneself before class to the instructor (with a phone translator or with broken language skills if any) to let him or her know the level of instruction one already has and the need for correction with postures if needed.
Third, be prepared to smile!! chances are we will make fun mistakes or laugh while trying to follow the first class. Smiling when not understanding a language goes a very very long way! SMILING IS UNIVERSAL!
!!!!!!THINGS CAN CHANGE RAPIDLY. SOME places close down permanently, temporarily or move locations without posting. IT IS IMPORTANT TO CHECK with the venue BEFORE SHOWING UP TO ANY CLASS.
As of April 2022, even though there might be advertising in the media, there are some of the venues I visited are temporarily or no longer on business even today.

As someone who prefers simple retreat sites (just my personal preference) with a local feel and context, it was a question of doing research to find those places. I was able to attend a very good yoga class in Spanish in Mérida.
It is a boutique hotel where different types of yoga are taught in English language (other than Spanish) and one does not need to stay at the hotel to attend classes. Make sure you check their updated yoga schedule and the type of classes offered when you are there.
It is a cultural center where you not only find yoga but other cultural activities. Location Calle 47 x 68 Centro, Mérida 97000 México. It is totally worth checking because they offer different types of yoga at different times.

On the left, there is a flyer with part of the yoga workshop offered at Centro Tapanco that was offered in Spanish (I discussed how to join local classes before this paragraph). The Center has different instructors and different workshops, it is important to check with the Centro (center) before making any plans. The place is located in a very quaint part of the City of Merida full of its beautiful history. One might even have the chance to find other interesting activities offered at the Center.
Puerto Morelos
Puerto Morelos is a quaint place away from the hustle and large crowds of Playa del Carmen and Cancun. The town can be said it is divided by the beachside or the Villa side (city side or the beachside), it is a small place with plenty of ongoing buses, very inexpensive, that take you everywhere there with fantastic drivers!!
there are many places but this is one Ian unpretentious local yoga studio with a knowledgeable instructor located in Villa Morelos. The instructor is experienced in having English speakers in the class although classes are held in Spanish. The instructor offers yoga at the beach and some very interesting classes and workshops.
There are yoga classes offered in some hotels where one can pop in for a class or many. It is important again to check with the place before showing up, unless one passes by, to make sure classes are held. I spent a lot of time finding out classes were either canceled for the day or because it was the month of December…
YOGA ON SITE (wherever you are!)
In Puerto Morelos there are many classes offered in different languages at hotels and small yallas. However, in December there were almost no classes available due to the Pandemic and the time of the year “Christmas” which is a very important date. I used my laptop, and my mat and went on the balcony to enjoy an all-time favorite online yoga instructor, Cat Meffan (hola Cat!!) I take you all around the world! one day I will get to meet her in class I hope!!!

There are