Sinai Peninsula
This is the only part of Egypt located in Asia. This part of Egypt is separated from the country by the Suez Canal. The Asian part of Egypt adjoins Gaza Strip and Israel.

The Sinai region is a place of great significance for folks of many religions for many reasons. This is supposed to be the place where the Law of Moses was created; the first five books of the Hebrew Bible. Christians, Jewish, and Moslems claim the area and history of importance.

The Sinai Peninsula is a very special sacred place of spiritual significance to practice Yoga and Meditation. According to the Bible, this is where God gave Moses the 10 commandments and where many magical events happen.
This is a very interesting location on the Red Sea. This is a place of Bedouin tradition and a major source of learning for the curious about the world. I love this place.

No matter what type of yoga you wish to practice, you can always find a class in Dahab such as Hatha, Aerial, Ashtanga, Yin, flow, etc. are available all year round. Just bear in mind that Dahab there is a fluctuation of yoga classes and places being offered.

Some places in Dahab are way overpriced and taught by foreign instructors. It’s my personal preference, after having done a few retreats around the world, to find a local as an instructor or someone who lives in the place and truly knows the culture (not someone who lives in a foreign bubble).
Taking a class from someone native is always a plus because he or she puts an important cultural spin into the practice. After all, that is why we travel, don’t we? I also enjoy taking classes with immigrants or ex-pats who had enough exposure to the local culture and can interpret nuances between cultures. It is all about learning, isn’t it?

WIth yoga is all about your budget. I started with a very pricey retreat and then while living there for 8 months, I found places that were more reasonable in prices.
I went to a yoga retreat in a small hotel and it was a good experience. The classes were good but a very different retreat from the ones I did in other countries with fewer scheduled activities and itineraries. Overpriced.
One of the most important hotels offers a wide array of yoga classes with an amazing class schedule. I bought a bunch of coupons that saved me money instead of paying “by the class.”

My favorite classes were at INMO Divers hotel, a German Egyptian-run hotel with amazing really amazing owners and staff!!! I took classes for over 8 months with a prof named Sol (sun in Spanish). Sol’s classes included pranayama, yoga practice, and meditation and classes ranged from 1 1/2 hours to almost 2 sometimes! She is an amazing instructor with lots of experience. I miss her classes every day! I had a fantastic group of classmates from many places. On my way back there!

Meditation is quite available in Dahab. There are announcements and advertising about meditation sessions offered in different places around town. Many of these meditation classes are truly overpriced and prices don’t match the living cost (I lived there). If you are savvy you can gather your own meditation group, there is always an experienced meditation instructor or guide available.


Alexandria used to be the capital of Egypt and one of the greatest cities in the entire world! There are different yoga studios or yallas in the city, and you will be able to find different styles of yoga catered to your needs.

Early morning yoga or afternoon yoga, from a modern point of view, is good to start or to finish your day in a good way. Ayurveda yoga tells that morning yoga is key for a good start to the day.
Joining a yoga group is a great way to meet like-minded people and it is much easier to get motivated with your practice being with a group.

I met folks from around the world in this yoga group.

A yoga instructor from Cairo came to Alexandria to do a retreat by the Mediterranean Sea. I joined the group through a friend and we visited several places where we did yoga. It was challenging because the ground was not even but we managed. The instructor was superb.

There are events like this happening from time to time that you can find online. The key is to be alert and to join forums for information on events close to your place.